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Reactive Dog Training

reactive dog

Are you struggling to make progress with your dog's reactivity on your own? We know how overwhelming that can be. Our 5 session Reactive Dog Rehab package is created for dog parents seeking 1:1 professional guidance on resolving their dog's reactivity. We utilize prove, science based, positive training techniques to change your dog's feelings about their triggers to truly modify their behaviour.

Resource Guarding

Does your dog steal items, and growl, snap or bite when you try to intervene? We can help change that by teaching your dog it is fun, not threatening to give up items to their humans.

Stranger Reactivity

Do you avoid having your dog interact with people because of their reaction or unpredictability? Let us help your dog learn that new humans can be friends, not foe! 

Dog Reactivity

Does your dog bark, lunge and growl when they see other dogs? Training with us will teach your dog how to feel relaxed in the presence of other dogs & focus on you instead.

Over Stimulation

Do you feel like your dog struggles to regulate their emotions & over escalates quickly when excited? Let's show your dog how to be more Zen!


Have you had incidents where your dog has snapped at or bitten a human or animal? Together we can analyze what happened & prevent it from reoccurring. 

Noise Reactivity

Does your dog struggle to function around certain sounds, such as the doorbell, hallway noises or city sounds? We can help desensitize your dog so they feel calm & indifferent.

What You Will Learn :  

  • How to deepen your understanding and confidence reading your dog's body language 

  • Recognizing your dog's threshold & staying below it 

  • Managing and preventing your dog's reactivity

  • How to teach your dog to remain calm & disengage from their triggers

  • Techniques to help support your own emotions through your training journey

  • Training exercises to help navigate around triggers smoothly & reaction free

  • How to help your dog decompress & build resiliency after an encounter with a trigger

  • Changing how your dog FEELS about their trigger from fired up to indifferent

What is Included :

  • Initial behaviour consultation to gather information & devise a personalized training plan. Available in person, virtual or by phone.

  • 5 x 1 hour in person training sessions

  • Comprehensive lesson guides each session that are customized to you & your dog

  • Session summaries by email highlighting what we learned & what to focus on

  • Ongoing support during our training journey together 

  • Exclusive resources & handouts

  • The Dog Mamaa Certificate of completion 

Experienced & certified - qualifications you can trust.

certified dog trainer
karen pryor academy certified professional dog trainer
canadian association of professional dog trainers
fear free certified professional dog trainer
aggressive dog training
fearful dog training

Shay & Norman

Had such an amazing experience with Gabby! She taught us the magic of clicker training and re direction and it has completely changed our walking experience! My dog can move through the world with much less anxiety and reactivity. She also provided many exercises that help my dog re direct his energy in many environments! Would highly recommend! We love you gabby 💜

aggressive dog training

Natasha & Momo

Highly recommend!

Gabrielle's personalized approach and intuitive guidance in reactive dog rehabilitation have greatly boosted both me and my pup Momo's confidence during our walks. With her kind support and extensive knowledge of dog behaviour, Momo has made remarkable progress. After completing five sessions, her training was able to significantly reduce his anxiety around triggers and decrease his overall reactivity.

Thank you again for your exceptional training services!

aggressive dog

Mung & Ollie

I would highly recommend Gabrielle. We were sceptical at first as our min-pin/chihuahua is already 4 years old. Between this and the breed being known as high strung barkers, but we gave it a shot. Ollie is now much better behaved and much quieter. And Gabrielle is a sweetheart. A pleasure to know her. A big thank you!!

Our Clients

Ready to Get Started? 
The first step to embarking on our training journey would be a to book a behaviour consultation held via phone call, virtual or in person. This allows us to gather all important information & get to know you and your dog in order to offer valuable training tips & create the most effective training plan. It is $50 for the phone call or virtual, or $80 for in person. The fee is then credited towards your training package if you choose to proceed working together.
Package Rate : Reactive Dog Rehab $550

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