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Puppy Training 

Introducing a new member to the family is so exciting & rewarding - but may also be a major adjustment! The way you raise your puppy impacts how they will be in their adulthood, therefore it is important to teach all the foundations early, socialize properly, and maintain a consistent schedule for them. Whether you are a first time puppy owner or just looking for extra guidance for raising a wonderful family dog, we are happy to help! We offer 4 session Puppy Perfect Start, and 5 week Puppy Prodigy.

Our 4 session Puppy Perfect Start package covers the essentials to help make the puppy phase as smooth as possible, including : 


  • Name recognition & recall

  • Chewing & biting

  • Potty training

  • Crate training

  • Focus around distractions

  • Leash walking introduction

  • Basic commands (sit, stay, go to bed, drop it, leave it)

  • Socialization

  • Preventing undesirable behaviours

Our 5 session Puppy Prodigy package is for puppy parents who wish to further solidify essential training cues & go beyond typical puppy foundations. This option is great for those who have completed the Puppy Perfect Start & want to do more with their intelligent pup!

  • Extending duration of cues with distractions (sit, down, settle)

  • Advanced socialization  (Safe exposures to different environments, people & animals to build calm behaviours in various situations)

  • Public Settling  (Practicing good manners & relaxation in places like cafes, parks or stores)

  • Cooperative Care (Teaching relaxation & opt in behaviours for vet, grooming and other handling procedures)

  • Enrichment Activities (Introduction to at home agility, scent work, and toy puzzles)

  • Trick Training (Teaching tricks such as weave through legs, spin, play dead, roll over )

What is Included? 

  • New Puppy Consultation available either in person, virtual or a phone call

  • Comprehensive Training Plan customized to you & your puppy

  • Client Email Support for any questions, updates or video feedback

  • Access to our Top Puppy Products Amazon list

  • Summary Write Up of each session with training exercises to practice 

  • Video resources & exclusive handouts

  • Ongoing support available during & after training together

Puppy Clients

     Ready to Get Started? 
The first step to embarking on our training journey would be a to a new puppy consultation held via phone call, virtual or in person. This allows us to gather all important information & get to know you and your dog in order to offer valuable training tips & create the most effective training plan. It is $50 for the phone call or virtual, or $80 for in person. The fee is then credited towards your training package if you choose to proceed working together.
Package Rate : Puppy Perfect Start $450, Puppy Prodigy $550

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