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Is My Dog Too Old for Training?

Thankfully, clicker training is effective at any age! Sometimes we may find ourselves in a situation where our dog has developed new behaviour issues, or the jumping up to greet people that was cute as a puppy - is not so cute anymore as a 50 lb adult dog! 
We can still learn at any age, even senior dogs benefit because it helps keep their minds sharp and prevents dementia!

Do I Have to Use Clicker & Treats Forever?

Once the behaviour is solidified to your liking, you can begin to fade out treats and the clicker - and use a verbal marker (ie. "Yes!"). We always recommend clients to do this gradually, and continue to praise their dog for good behaviour.

Why Clicker Training?

Clicker training is a scientifically proven methodology used to train different animals from exotic zoo animals to domesticated pets. The reason it is so effective is because animals learn by association, therefore the distinct clicker sound and reward pairing communicates clearly to them what their humans are asking of them.

What Can I Train with a Clicker?

Clicker training has no limits. It can be utilized to teach anything from potty training to trick training, to aiding in leash reactivity. Once the meaning of the clicker is established, the possibilties are endless!

What Do I Need to Get Started? 

I will provide you with your clicker, you bring the treats suitable for your dog & a treat pouch! 

What Type of Treats Should I Use?

Clicker training does use a fast paced of reward giving - when it comes to choosing treats, think small, soft and smelly! We want to choose a motivating treat that can be easily eaten. My personal go to is beef liver - because it is easily breakable, low calorie and one ingredient- so it doesn't upset most dog's stomachs!

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